Otaru University of Commerce
The Library of Otaru University of Commerce is located in the center of the campus; its academic heart. There is a great variety of books and periodicals,mainly in the field of social science, collected from Japan and abroad,providing a fount of information for our faculty and students. In our collection there are about 490,000 books. We take more than 12,000 titles in our periodical section and we are adding to this every year.
In a departure from the concept of conventional libraries where people sit and read quietly, the remodeled library’s main floor (2F) features a group learning room and an open space as part of an active education area for students. The floor is also used as a learning commons area where students can work together.
The main floor is designed for activities to stimulate intellectual curiosity in various ways. In this regard, it is used as a venue for lectures, seminars,research presentations and other events covering diverse themes, and for book exhibitions.
The third floor is more in keeping with the conventional image of university libraries. Books and scholarly journals necessary for study are made readily available to support intensive learning by individual students. The seating is designed so that users can concentrate on their own work without distraction.
The latest materials are collected and provided at the library to fulfill the needs of students and faculty members. These include books necessary for study, periodicals, electronic journals and databases. The facility’s extensive collection, which has been built over the university’s history of more than 110 years, is one of the nation’s largest, and includes a variety of important documents in the field of social science and other areas.
*Special Books Collections & Rere Books, Digital exhibits
Open Hours
Monday – Friday (As Abobe) Vacations | 8:45-21:00 8:45-17:00 |
Saturday (As Abobe) Vacations | 10:00-17:00 10:00-17:00 |
Sunday, National Holidays | 10:00-17:00 |
Closing Days
How to Find Materials
You can search some materials through the Online Catalog.Open Stacks
You can read materials on the 1st-3rd floors freely. After reading the books, please return them to the place where you found them.Closed Stacks
Please fill in the order form at the counter, if you want to read materials on the Special books & Rare books room (3rd floor) & Theses room (2nd floor)Photocopying
We have a self-sevice copy machine in the library. You can get a copy card at the University Coop. When you photocopy materials, please obseve the copyright law.ID Cards
When you borrow books, you have to show your student ID card or your library ID card.Use Limits
You are not allowed to check out more than a given number of books, depending on your status.
Status | Not more than | Loan period |
Professors | 100 | 1 year |
Staff | 10 | 30 days |
Graduate Students, 4th year Students | 30 | 60 days |
Undergraduate Students (1st-3rd year Students) | 10 | 30 days |
Professor Emeritus, Part-time Lecturers | 30 | 180 days |
External Borrowers | 5 | 16 days |
Books on the 2nd & 3rd Floor (Except for External Borrowers) | 30 days |
Returning Books
You do not have to show your ID card. When you return books, please bring them to the counter or put them into the book post.Reserve
You can reserve a book which is on loan. Please fill in the reservation form at the counter.Renewals
Items may be renewed, unless requierd by another reader. For renewal, please bring the item with your ID card to the counter.Reference Service
You can ask a librarian any question at the counter. The Reference Unit receives questions at the counter or please fill in the reference order form.Inter-Library Loans
If the book you are looking for is not in the library, we can borrow it from other libraries. If the article in a periodical is not in the library, you can order a photocopy. You will only be charged for copying expenses and postage.External Borrowers
Our materials are available to external borrowers.National University Corporation
Otaru University of Commerce. Library & Academic Information Section, Users Support Unit
Tel: 0134-27-6541 (Counter)
Tel: 0134-27-5273 (Office) FAX: 0134-27-5275 (Section) E-mail: lib-unyo@office.otaru-uc.ac.jp